What we’ve all been conditioned to is avoid consuming fat. That anything we put into our body that’s fatty is just bad for our health, and will eventually make us obese or our heart weak. So at all costs, what we’ll adamantly avoid is that dastardly f-word.
This in the quest to become healthier, we choose to eat foods which contain high nutritional value. But realize that there are multitudes of fatty foods that’s been proven to be good for us. In fact, we need amounts of these good fats for our body to function properly.
These are the certain select foods which were once considered unhealthy, this because of their association with fat. Certain misconceptions because of their misunderstood properties, but are now encouraged as part of a healthy diet.
To benefit from consuming foods which contain fat, it becomes important to know what’s actually healthy for us, so checking the food label ingredients becomes vitally important.
What also needs to be understood is which of the specific good fats are beneficial, and the type of nutrients that are in these fatty foods which can help us the most.
• Avocados – Avocados has proven over time to be a superior fatty food and for good reason. They’re extremely high in monounsaturated fat which is excellent for our body. Although avocados are high in calories, they also contain beneficial fiber and potassium.
These nutrients has been proven to lower blood pressure, which is an important factor when it comes to heart health. Avocados, which are classified as a fruit, also contains high amounts of antioxidants.
Some may have difficulty to acquire its unique taste, but that shouldn’t stop you from adding them into your veggie wrap, salad, or make it a tasty spread on a sandwich to replace mayo. You can alter its taste by adding lemon or garlic without extracting its value.
• Eggs – Eggs have often had a bad rap. Are they healthy or unhealthy, do they increase the bad cholesterol. The health conscious at one time avoided eating whole eggs because of this uncertainty, opting for just the egg whites.
But research has proven that you shouldn’t skip the fatty yellow yolk, as it’s shown to contain superior nutrients. The fat is the good fat, the cholesterol is the good cholesterol.
What eggs contain are plenty of vitamins, protein, and antioxidants. The nutrients found in eggs may provide better eye health, lower heart disease, while keeping you full. Those with diabetes should consume less however.
• Salmon – Salmon contains fats which has mega-health benefits, so the consumption of this along with other fresh fish has increased exponentially among the health conscious. Its meaty texture is packed with nutrients, along with being extremely filling.
Salmon is high in the much sought after Omega-3 fatty acids, making it an extreme heart healthy food. It also contributes to joint and brain health, as it contains natural anti-inflammatory properties along with protein.
So grill or bake a fresh salmon fillet, or choose canned salmon, as there’s additional calcium because of the small edible bones that it contains.
• Olive Oil – The Mediterranean style of diet has proven extremely effective, and its core ingredient is olive oil. This natural fat is considered excellent because of its valuable monounsaturated fat content.
Olive oil blends excellent in a wide variety of healthy meals. Because of it’s versatility, you can include it into all of your favorite dishes and is guaranteed to add flavorful results.
Olive oil has been connected with lowering blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also regulates blood sugar for diabetics, reduces rheumatoid arthritis, and the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
• Certain Nuts – Most nuts are overlooked because of their high fat content, but what they offer are extreme health benefits. Just a small handful can contain valuable Omega-3 fatty acids along with monounsaturated fats.
What monounsaturated fatty acids have proven is to reduce the risk of heart disease, this by lowering cholesterol while normalizing blood clotting. What’s also beneficial about nuts is that they’re extremely filling, further maximizing their value.
The most beneficial of these good fatty nuts include: almonds, cashews, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, along with a few other varieties. What’s recommended is they be eaten raw, natural, unsalted, and roasted.
• Dark Chocolate – This is excellent news for those with a sweet tooth. This gives you an excellent excuse to eat more often. It’s the dark chocolate variety however which contains the healthy fats.
What’s recommended however is to consume in smaller quantities. What doing so offers are superior health benefits, this because of the various array of beneficial nutrients that they provide.
Less because what dark chocolate also contains are small traces of unhealthy fats. The nutritional benefits they contain however outweighs and makes it worthwhile. So what’s recommended are 1 to 2 ounce servings at a time.
Dark chocolate, the more pure the better, also contains the good fats. They’re also rich in fiber along with antioxidants, which helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowers the bad cholesterol, while protecting the skin.
Dark chocolate has also been associated with reducing abdominal belly fat, which is a problem area for most who diet, along with its ability for weight reduction.
The type of dark chocolate to gain these benefits should contain at least 70% percent cocoa or higher.
Unfortunately, the white or milk chocolate bars available on the convenient store shelves or the vending machines, doesn’t contain the same health benefits that the dark chocolate does.
So make sure that you have a small chunk of dark chocolate, and incorporate it into your daily diet, which will also help you to ridding of any cravings as well.